Estriatus is a link and online community between creatives, inspirational individuals and small organizations that share similar values, goals and passions about our world and constantly question its current affairs and problems.
We welcome contributors from all kinds of disciplines and backgrounds.
If you are a writer, traveler, designer or a researcher and would like to contribute to our community and magazine please get in touch.
Estriatus magazine
• Promotion and help to individuals and organizations who are too busy with saving, exploring and helping our world
• Creating a platform for communication and creating a link between creative, scientific and business platforms.
Estriatus is about sharing ideas, so if you would like to share and contribute to our community please join us on
twitter or follow
our blog which will be updated regularly by our team members.
We are constantly looking for new ideas on how to redesign our world, communities, change people’s perceptions. If you have ideas, want to make a difference and like to be challenged then we can’t wait to hear from you.